Regularly breathing in construction dust can cause serious diseases including lung cancer, occupational asthma and silicosis. These diseases can cause permanent disabilities and death, with HSE stating recently that more than 3,500 builders die each year from cancers related to their work and thousands more cases of ill-health and lost working days.
The H&SE has announced that on Monday 5th October its inspectors will be targeting the construction industry as part of a month-long campaign focused on respiratory risks and occupational lung disease. This health-focused initiative will be looking at the measures businesses have in place to protect their workers from the likes of asbestos, silica and wood dust some of the most harmful particulates in construction environments.
The campaign aims to influence employer behaviour by encouraging businesses to develop the knowledge and capability to protect workers health. They want businesses and their workers to think of ways to avoid creating dust and generate different ways of working as well as wearing the correct masks and clothing.
Southdowns’ specialists are available to help you monitor, manage and understand the dust risks on your construction site. We have experience in undertaking investigative surveys to identify problem areas, full occupational surveys to assess exposure to your employees and toolbox talks to engage with your workforce.
Our recent work in this area includes occupational dust monitoring during the underground construction of railway tunnels, at manufacturing facilities in Central England and on the Isle of Wight. Our team has delivered training to the delivery partners of major railways, providing them with the tools to undertake investigative dust monitoring on their construction sites. Our flexible approach will allow us to provide a service specific to you.
Please contact for further information on our capability and experience in the field of occupational and environmental health for the construction sector.