Personal Track Safety Certificate Award

The railway industry is a key market sector for Southdowns and the company has considerable experience of working on the construction and operation of major railway projects throughout the UK and overseas. Staff safety is a primary consideration in all our work and a Personal Track Safety (PTS) Certificate is an essential pre-requesite where noise […]

Southdowns e-Brochures

A selection of general and service specific brochures have been developed and are now available in the downloads area of the web-site as PDF attachments. More will be added shortly.

Constructionline Pre-Qualification

Constructionline is a pre-qualification scheme for accredited supplier to the construction industry. Having demonstrated technical competance through client references and testimonials the company has also fulfilled the scheme’s strict requirements on health and safety, equal opportunities and work quality. Southdowns are accredited under all of the acoustic, noise and vibration categories.