The recent announcement by Thames Water on public consultation over its plans for 32 km of new tunnels to divert sewage from existing combined sewer overflows (CSOs), which currently discharge direct into the River Thames some 50 times per annum, highlights the noise and vibration sensitivities inevitably associated with major infrastructure projects of this kind in urban areas.
Running from Acton in West London through to the Becton Sewage Treatment Works in Newham – via one of three alternative route options from east of Tower Bridge at Limehouse onwards – the potential disruption associated with continuous tunnelling and 24 hr construction working at sites in the vicinity of sensitive resources and receivers requires careful consideration if adverse noise and vibration effects are to be minimised.
The 14 week consultation by Thames Water closes on 20 December. Having previously worked with the London Boroughs on Crossrail and other major construction projects, and with considerable experience of work in the utilities sectors, Southdowns is well placed to provide professional advice to local consultees and other interested parties on these and other proposals for major tunnelling projects throughout the UK and overseas.
For further information on our experience and expertise in the construction sector please do not hesitate to contact us.