The prestigious Glebe scheme – anticipated to become London’s most expensive address – comprises six high-end apartments, a duplex penthouse and two large detached villas, and has an estimated development value of £300m.
Southdowns has provided pre-commencement consultancy to enable our client to discharge planning conditions including; baseline surveys; demolition and construction dust risk assessment method statement; and preparation of a low emission strategy.
The discharge of the Low Emission Strategy planning condition required negotiation and agreement of appropriate emission limits with the local authority. The calculation of the Combined Heat and Power and boiler system emissions and assessment of the proposed systems compliance with the emergent ‘Air Quality Neutral’ policy building emission limits minimised the potential emissions from the development as well as meeting the requirements to discharge of the condition.
Southdowns has also been appointed to provide continuous noise and dust monitoring throughout the 36-month demolition and construction phase, which includes an intensive period of piling and excavation extending to the boundaries of the site and the neighbouring executive residential properties.
Monitoring results are analysed and assessed against Site Action Levels (SAL), which are communicated to site engineers on a weekly basis. An informative summary report is also provided to the local authority each month. To enable pro-active management of noise and dust emissions, each of the 4 no. monitoring systems is programmed to send text/email alerts to Southdowns’ project team and to site engineers immediately following an exceedance of a SAL. This feature enables contractor to refine and amend working methods to minimise disturbance to adjacent households and other sensitive receptors. AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to Facebook