Southdowns was commissioned by Pelham Holdings to establish the Critical Level NOx concentrations and Critical Load for nitrogen deposition in relation to the Wealden Core Strategy Housing Allocations, those in the Trend Based Requirements and those for Regional Spatial Strategy and establish if there would be any adverse impact on European Sites from housing allocations at Honey Farm.
A review the Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Wealden Core Strategy and the Appropriate Assessment for Pevensey Levels RAMSAR site and subsequent and consideration of the assessment methods and findings of the reports with regards to the Critical Level and Critical Load headroom of the road network lead to an optioneering study to establish the highway capacity in relation to the housing allocations.
To avoid adverse effects from current levels of nitrogen deposition on the Ashdown Forest SAC it was concluded that distribution of the housing allocations of Wealden would help to reduce any potential impact on the Ashdown Forest SAC and there were no transport emission constraints from the Critical Load and Critical Level from the proposed development site at Honey Farm.